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Rhino Aluminium celebrates KEiBA 2015 success

Rhino Aluminium celebrated making it to the finals of the Kent Excellence in Business Awards 2015 on the 25th June. The achievement was celebrated at a glittering event at Kent Event Centre, Kent Showground, Detling, which was staged and produced by Kent County Council and KM Media Group. Thirteen businesses and individuals were selected as category winners after a tough judging process whittled down hundreds of entries to 49 finalists. Rhino Aluminium from Broadstairs Kent were a top three finalist in the Start Up Business of the Year category.

The finalists of the fifteen categories received a certificate to acknowledge and celebrate their involvement in the competition.

The entire team here at Rhino Aluminium were totally thrilled to be selected as KEiBA finalists in our category. It is great to receive the recognition for all of the hard work that we have all put into the company and make it the success that it is today. I was a great night at the award ceremony and despite not claiming the overall prize, we take great pride in getting to the final three companies in Kent. Especially when we stop to think that we were up against some serious competition, companies in their hundreds applied for this award, so we’re very happy with the results.

KEiBA aims to recognise and reward excellence in Kent and Medway businesses of all sizes as well as individual awards. It’s hoped that the awards will also boost staff morale and help attract new staff. Winning an award will also help businesses raise their profile in Kent. All of the entries went through a rigorous judging process, which rated entrants against pre-set criteria to select a shortlist for each category.  The judges then visited the short-listed entrants to carry out a more in-depth investigation through face-to-face interviews before selecting the list of finalists.

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